Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bank of Bengal incorporated for 7 years,Armenians,1809-1853

The Bank was to be incorporated for a term of 7 years. The Governor General in Council was to exercise control over the administration of the Bank. The Government were to guarantee the responsibility of the Bank's establishment. Directors, who might be "Armenians, Natives or others" had to hold at least one whole 
share of Rs. 10,000 each. 
The power of electing a Director in the case of a vacancy lay 
with the Proprietors and not with the remaining Directors

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

documents history,Bank of Bengal,20 sicca rupees bengal 1853

Bank of Bengal banknote with signature,indian banknote, musham damodhar rao, story of bank of bengal 
documents history,Bank of Bengal HALF NOTE FOR SALE, BLACK PENNY,

Bank of Bengal banknote with signature,Bengal sicca rupees 20 1853

Bank of Bengal banknote with signature,indian banknote, musham damodhar rao, story of bank of bengal documents history,Bank of Bengal HALF NOTE FOR SALE, BLACK PENNY,Plan of a bank of Bengal.

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK 
 MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Plan of a bank of Bengal,half note 1853 sicca rupees 20

" Plan of a bank of Bengal  "
 was a lengthy Minute of some 76 numbered paragraphs setting forth the lines 
upon which it was suggested to create a permanent Banking Institution, Bank of Bengal banknote with signature,indian banknote, musham damodhar rao, story of bank of bengal 

documents history,Bank of Bengal 
HALF NOTE FOR SALE, BLACK PENNY,Plan of a bank of Bengal.

should the Hon'ble the Directors of the East India Company see fit 
to sanction its initiation with their august approval. It was intended, and it so eventually transpired, that the Bank of Calcutta should be a purely provisional arrangement until such time as a reply could be 
received from the Directorate of the Hon'ble East India Company, 
and that, if such were favourable, a permanent structure should be erected on the provisional basis thereby prepared. The writer has picked out a few of the most interesting characteristics of the " Plan of a Bank" and details them below in next coming blog posts 

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK   NEWC  @@@ 
MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

exchange SELL indian banknotes,bank of bengal,

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Letter from the Secretary to Government, to J. W. Sherer, Esq.Bengal 1809

Letter from the Secretary to Government, to J. W. Sherer, Esq.C. S.  dated the 27th February 1806. 
 I am directed to transmit to you for your information and guidance, the accompanying copy of a plan for the establishment of a Bank at Calcutta, and to inform you that the Hon'ble the Governor General in Council has this day been pleased to appoint you to the office of Secretary and Treasurer 
to the Bank under the provisional 
arrangement contained in that plan. 

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK MOBILE NO +91 08801857954  NEW@  DAMUBN@GMAIL.COM,

Bank of Bengal History,bengal crisis 1833

bank of bengal history 
The Bank's History following. That this is the first occasion on which these items have been assembled in coherent form is a mere matter of incident. Looking back through the century of time which has elapsed since the Bank first saw the light, it is interesting to note how the Institution has time after time come unscathed through the various financial upheavals which have marked the history of finance in India. The crises of 1832-33,1857, 1863-64 and the terrible times of 1866 have left it with a record of a minimum of 22"5 per cent, of Cash to Liabilities a figure which it is difficult to help comparing to the Bank of England's percentage of five in the last mentioned year.

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK MOBILE NO +91 08801857954 NEW @ DAMUBN@GMAIL.COM

Bank of Bengal Agents in Civil and Military services,

Agents in Civil and Military  services,
They were Agents for the whole of the Civil and Military 
services, the Planters, and the Merchants scattered over the Upper Provinces, and it was they who were styled the Merchant Princes of India. Of the earlier days of the Bank of Hindustan very little appears to be recorded. The Bank had a note issue which seems to have experienced considerable fluctuations, sometimes mounting up to twenty or twenty-five, lacs, and at others running down to as low as two or three lacs, according to the state of the market. The circulation of these notes was entirely confined to Calcutta and the immediate neighbor-hood. 
Agents in Civil and Military  services,
I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Bank Bengal capital was Bengal Sicca Rs. 50,00,000,

The Bank Bengal capital was Sicca Rs. 50,00,000, in five hundred shares of 
Sicca Rupees ten thousand each.

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK   damubn@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Bengal Bank of 1857 document,Bengal Sicca rupees 20 1853

Unknown exactly when this Bank ceased to exist, The Bengal Bank of 1790, had no 
connection whatever with the starting of the present Bank of Bengal. Unknown exactly when this Bank ceased to exist, Concurrent with the Bengal Bank was the General Bank of ,India, which was also in existence in Calcutta General Bank, 1790 This Bank have been started by one of the mercantile firms of the period. Mr. J. Pollard was the Secretary.

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Bank of Bengal banknote with signature,Alexander and Co,Bengal Sicca rupees 20 1853

The first Bank which was started in India under European auspices was the Bank of Hindustan. This institution was established as a branch of the Hindustan of 
Messrs. Alexander and Co.,
one of the leading Calcutta firms of the period, in or about the year 1770. Previous to this date the functions of Bankers had been exercised by the great Agency houses of Calcutta, who, besides being Merchants and Agents, conducted all branches of 
Banking business. 
I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

BLACK PENNY FOR SALE 12K INR,Bengal Sicca rupees 20 1853


I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

Bank of Bengal only note with sign RARE,Bengal Sicca rupees 20 1853

Bank of Bengal only note with sign RARE

I exchange SELL indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC ,NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK NUMISSTAMPS@GMAIL.COM MOBILE NO +91 08801857954

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