Friday, March 22, 2013

Printer SAMPLE of princely states crests of India

Printer SAMPLE of princely states crests of India is unique are from royal family only unusual and rare For more info contact I exchange indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC see blogs for info ok. please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK M.DAMODHAR.RAO 17 Santoshima colony,WestMarredpally secunderabad;500026 INDIA MOBILE NO +91 09441816605


SEE RARE BOOK ON HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM WITH MY FRIEND FOR SALE for sale I exchange indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC see blogs for info ok. please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK M.DAMODHAR.RAO 17 Santoshima colony,WestMarredpallysecunderabad;500026 INDIA MOBILE NO +91 09441816605

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Charlie Chaplin ,Bernard Shaw, Lord Alanbrooke,British Museum.

Marks & Co, also incorrectly referred to as "Marks & Company" or colloquially as "84", was a well-known antiquarian bookseller located at Cambridge Circus - 84, Charing Cross Road, London. The shop was founded in the 1920s by Benjamin Marks and Mark Cohen. Cohen was persuaded to allow his name to be abbreviated in the company's name. It provided the basis for the book of correspondence by Helene Hanff entitled 84 Charing Cross Road, later made into a stage play, television play and BAFTA-winning film. The shop has since been knocked through into 24 Cambridge Circus, currently the Med Kitchen restaurant. A plaque on the wall commemorates the shop and the book. Famous connections The company built a good reputation for itself and had famous customers, including Charlie Chaplin, George Bernard Shaw, Lord Alanbrooke, Michael Foot, royalty and public institutions such as universities and the British Museum. Benjamin Marks' son, Leo Marks, became a prominent member of the wartime organisation, Special Operations Executive, specialising in codes. His interest in the subject had been born bby his father's use of book pricing codes. Marks & Co were members of a then-secret and illegal "book ring", whereby a group of London book dealers declined to bid against each other at auctions. Instead, one of them would buy at prices kept low by the lack of competition, the ring would then bid privately between themselves and the surplus would be shared amongst the unsuccessful ring members. When the secrecy surrounding the bidding ring was broken, a scandal was threatened. In order to avoid this, an undertaking was signed, at the offices of the Times Literary Supplement, by the ring's members to bring the practice ("if it existed") to an end. I exchange indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC see blogs for info ok. please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK M.DAMODHAR.RAO  17 Santoshima colony,WestMarredpally secunderabad;500026 INDIA MOBILE NO +91 09441816605

Mark & co Reciept

Mark & co Receipt of 1914 The enterprising Jewish immigrant Michael Marks, who launched the M&S retail chain from a penny bazaar, never knew what a mochalatte was, and might have been similarly bemused by an Americano. He sold scrubbing brushes and carbolic soap to the working folk of Leeds from his humble stall in Kirkgate Market with the catchphrase “don’t ask the price; it is a penny”. Almost 130 years later Marks & Spencer has opened a permanent heritage stall close to the same spot — part wallow in nostalgia and part hard-nosed retail opportunity. Instead of everyday hardware, staff in flat caps will be selling exchange indian banknotes,modern ancient COINS,BANKNOTES,STAMPS,world,india,british india,bank notes,COINS STAMPS,FDC all in THEMES;Modern WORLD COINS,ANCIENT COINS FROM ALEXANDER PERIOD, BIMETAL,SHAPES OF COINS, FAMOUS THEMES;UNRECOGNIZED NEW NATIONS,COUNTRY SETS,world postal history from 1840,kings documents,ETC see blogs for info ok. please pass on info about me and my blog OK, NOTE:Please send notes ONLY BY registered post,OK M.DAMODHAR.RAO 17 Santoshima colony,WestMarredpally secunderabad;500026 INDIA MOBILE NO +91 09441816605

who are from Coimbatore identify yourself,call 9441816605 GET 10% DISCOUNT +91 9441816605 WE SELL India & BRITISH banknotes,STAMPS,ANCIENT COINS FROM pre ALEXANDER PERI...